a pathway where we get caught within the web of the deny/shadow of the obvious, the apparent, the self-evident…
this example being where the ends are embraced as justifying the means, which is used to justify being inauthentic/disingenuous because the ends become such a single-minded shadowed unresolved fear-based focus that any means becomes acceptable, that it becomes a war and therefore being fair is perceived as an unacceptable vulnerability...
so, this becomes a door thru which the darkness of the underlying cause of mass formation seduces us into basically gaslighting ourselves into a delusional state of consciousness...
so, it seduces us into a war mode fear-driven mindset pattern which is foundationally based within our inner psychology, so becomes an inner war between our thinking which is tasked with resolving our fears, and our feelings which are tasked with defining for us what is love...
such that seduced into this mindset pattern we become a true believer of our own self-made delusion, a delusion where everything becomes black and white and the contrast between fades into nothingness, this therefore justifying that you're either/or, a victim or you're the perpetrator, that any concept that we might play both roles, becomes heretical, this note generally way more due to unconsciousness/incompetency/nonsense than consciously/evil/psychopathy...
so, it becomes a war such that from the perception of the single-focused victim mindset the concept that change starts inside is absolutely rejected, and is perceived as a threat...
a threat that acts to drive the person deeper into a single-minded focus on externalizing all that is perceived as evil into a sought for and then found/provided target of an absolutely pure evil/hate, the evil/hate which we deny inside becoming projected into the targeted, the other...
which plays right into and empowers the very darkness that is the legitimate threat, that like a game whack-a-mole this is never going to bring the underlying darkness into the light of consciousness...
that sure to bring a few key high profile players of darkness to justice will tend to dampen the boldness of the darkness for awhile, however unless the root of the darkness is brought into consciousness then the dark root will sprout forth again and again until it has its way with us…
Sadly, Jung's "shadow" exists in all of us. Once a perceived demon (be it HRC, Trump, Fauci, or Putin) is diminished or destroyed, another rises to take its place. Fear lives in all of us. Is it fear of the unknown, the known, or ourselves?